LearnEnglish Kids - British Council 歡迎來到全新的LearnEnglish Kids!在這兒你可找到你最喜歡的遊戲、歌曲、故事和其他活動。你可搜尋你喜歡的內容,或看看最新的探索部分就可知相關的內容在 ...
BBC - Learning: online learning resources An online learning community for everyone for birth to adulthood, this site contains english language acquisition tools, education resources, articles, media, and online classes.
Learning English - Express English - Happy kids - BBC 2011年8月22日 - What makes children happy? Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what children in London told us, then join the conversation!
Kids English Zone - BBC Active English - Home English Language Learning ... Video - Kids English Zone ... BBC Active is part of the Pearson Education Group, registered in England and Wales with company ...